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On Friday 18th May 2018 seventy Dorset DCS members arrived at PGL Osmington Bay near Weymouth for a weekend of fun and activities. This was our sixth visit to PGL Osmington and our second family activity weekend and everyone was looking forward to a great time!


Families arrived on Friday afternoon from all over Dorset and once everyone had arrived it was time for a quick fire drill and then the evening meal. We met our PGL Buddies Joel and Chelsea who organised our evening activity, Wacky Races. This was a great ice breaking activity and set the ambiance for what was to come – a fun filled weekend.


​Saturday morning and everyone was up early ready for the great breakfast served in the restaurant which set everyone up for the day’s activities. Our group was split into six activity groups and on the agenda for the first day was Climbing, Abseiling, Aeroball, Jacobs Ladder and Zip wire for some groups.  It was great to see everyone working together and some overcoming and conquering fears but most of all having fun! After the evening meal it was then time to play ‘Ambush’. The children had great fun putting on the camouflage face paint and finding good hiding places!  Some parents relaxed by the accommodation and some made their way to the bar where children are allowed up until 10pm if accompanied by their parents. Again this year DDCS seemed to make up most of their customers!


Waking up on Sunday morning was not as brisk as the day before but everyone was soon ready for the second day of activities which included Archery, Jacobs Ladder, Zip Wire and of course the popular Giant Swing!   At the end of the day it was time for a quick get together for everyone to say goodbye and have an evening meal and return some tired children (and parents) home.

This weekend again exceeded all expectations and more! To see all the children making friends and having so much fun and the parents making friends and really enjoying themselves as a family and getting the chance to bond with other families was brilliant. Some parents came on their own with their hearing impaired child and were anxious about how it would be, but were soon at ease and making friends.


It was a very special weekend!

Feedback questionnaires were completed by 20 families.



  • 20 rated the pre-organisation of the weekend Excellent.

  • 18 rated the PGL Centre, Staff and Activities Excellent, 2 rated it Very Good.

  • 18 rated the over-all management of the weekend excellent, 2 rated it Very Good.


These are some of the comments from the children and families:

Thank you to all at DDCS for an amazing weekend. It ran faultlessly and without your hard work, determination and effort none of this would have happened, so thank you again. PGL were as wonderful as always and food incredible.

We had a great time, thanks for all the hard work you guys put in to organising all the DDCS activities for our kids.

The event was very well organised and co-ordinated. The itinerary was very helpful and told us all what we needed to know in preparation. The PGL staff were all very friendly and helpful and went out of their way to help. Overall – Excellent on all accounts!  Child comment: “The beds were comfortable. I enjoyed the Giant Swing”

We all had a fantastic time! Thank you so much for organising. We loved every activity. Our favourite was the Giant Swing.

Thank you for an amazing weekend.

This is such a brilliant event for confidence building and developing social skills with other children.  My son felt included – he doesn’t feel as though he stands out as being different. Same goes for parents too!! Thank you DDCS.
Child comment: “My favourite event was Abseiling. It was a good social event for all ages

Fantastic weekend. Kids enjoyed every minute of the day. Joel & Chelsea did a fab job. More Wi-Fi signal in more areas. So lucky with the weather. Thank you Shirley for all your hard work and your time for making this a wonderful weekend. More options for kids meals. Need a quieter area in the dining room because we couldn’t hear each other.

Really Really Really good! A great break away. Nice mixing with the other families. Thank you.

Shirley has gone above and beyond to ensure everyone was informed of the activities, times and meetings. The PGL staff were great, particularly Joel and Chelsea. Thank you.

We all had a fantastic weekend. Met loads of new friends, amazing activities. PGL was great. We’d love to come again. It’s a great opportunity to chat between events so a perfect mix of fun and networking/socialising. Well Done!
Child comments: “ Fun and excitement”  “Awesome”

We have really enjoyed getting the children out of the house. It’s been great to see them being “hands on” with activities such as Climbing Wall and Giant Swing and to see them playing so happily with all the other children that attended. Great weekend!  Lots’ of great memories made and lots to talk about.
Child comments: “My favourite was Ambush and I really enjoyed the Zip Wire” “ I liked the Giant Swing and I liked playing football with my friends”

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Contact Shirley Sorbie on 01202 571089

© 2016 by DDCS. 

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