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This year there were a total of sixteen children nominated.


The winners were announced at our AGM held on Saturday 14th October 2023 at Bournemouth Deaf Club. The awards were presented by Robin Barrett and the two overall age group winners received shields, certificates and cheques for £100 each. 

All other nominees received £20 vouchers and certificates.


The winner of the Senior category is FINN TRUEICK 

The winner of the Junior category is  BEN STAGG.



All the nominees have done exceptionally well to be nominated.

Congratulations to all of them!


Please note that the nominations below are a short summary and only a part of the nomination as the nominations can include confidential and personal information.

The Winner of the 2023 Senior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:




Finn was nominated by Teresa McCabe, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, as despite his own challenges he is a true inspiration in advocating deaf awareness to others, supporting those who need additional support even when he is needing it himself and for constantly looking into ways to improve the lives of deaf young people.  He has shown incredible determination, resilience and drive to overcome many obstacles in his path to achieved his goals. He has shown ability to ‘bounce back’ from difficult situations or challenges and emerge with greater strength and determination to succeed. The isolation from COVID had a huge impact on his confidence and self-esteem when returning back to school having not fully acclimatized with the transition to secondary school. His stress and anxiety increased having to make curriculum choices about his future. He came up against a lot of misunderstandings about his deafness and his needs as a deaf learner which led to many frustrations and worry. This escalated when his teachers and teaching groups suddenly changed and this had a massive impact on his anxiety levels and he started to experience anxiety attacks outside of school and in his own personal time. He found it very difficult to engage in his much-loved sport badminton and enjoy trips to the cinema with his family He found it difficult to put into words how he was feeling. It has been a gradual process to develop greater confidence and build coping strategies he has shown incredible resilience and determination to explain and help others understand about deafness and how it affects him and has become a superb role model. He has worked relentlessly to raise deaf awareness in his school and to help others who are struggling. He recently created a PowerPoint about deaf awareness and although being incredibly nervous presented it to class peers and teachers. Despite his own struggles and insecurities he is always ready to help and support others. He has demonstrated himself to be and incredible advocate. His exceptional maturity and understanding have been very beneficial not only to his peers but also the adults around him. At the HSS summer activity attended by 60 HSS pupils he offered support, encouragement and understanding to his peers. Adults at the event were impressed by his ‘can do’ attitude and his mature manner. He has embraced the challenges that have faced him and although incredibly tough, has overcome them to enable him to achieve his goals.

The Winner of the 2023 Junior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:




Ben was nominated by Sarah Stobbart, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service as despite much anxiety and uncertainty he has made a successful transition to secondary school. He now walks to school and home independently uses the school cafeteria system and his teachers are already very pleased with the work he is doing he is making new friendships and developing positive relationships with several of the staff. He has faced significant challenges and shown determination and courage. Although many young people find transitions difficult, for Ben this has been especially challenging and represents a significant achievement worthy of recognition.



In addition to our Senior winner Finn, also nominated in the Senior category were:


Owen Bray was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for his excellent, mature and enthusiastic start to transition to secondary school. He achieved excellent end of year exam results, culminating in him being placed in top sets for Year 8. He has been a link support/greet for a new HSS student, this reflects his empathy, thought and consideration for others as a role model. He has shown resilience in learning to adapt to all aspects of his new school. His ability to encompass change, demonstrate flexibility and develop strategies to access the school curriculum is highly commended.


Xavier Golecki was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for his all-round brilliance in accepting and being willing to offer a day and be an outstanding ambassador at the HSS annual activity day. He is acknowledged for being kind, enthusiastic, warm and inclusive role model for other HSS pupils He is praised for how he interacted with other pupils, families and staff. He is also praised for his successful transition to secondary school, his ability to try his best and adapt to all new ways of working.


Bailey Head was nominated by Michelle Christopher, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service. Bailey has always been a fantastic hearing aid wearer and a role model to others. He has a brilliant ‘can do’ attitude and always tried his best. He has grown into a thoughtful young man who gives back to the community. Bailey’s hearing is gradually deteriorating and he recently made the very mature decision to refer himself for an assessment for cochlear implants. He is commended for this decision. He has completed his Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. He is active in Sea Cadets and for his Duke of Edinburgh he completed an expedition with a unit of sea cadets he had not worked with before with such courage and focus. He has worked really hard during the last academic year resulting in him being given a silver award. He volunteers every week in Weymouth at the Junior Park-run. He has also taken up gig rowing this year and was part of a team that won joint first in the Jurassic league.


Rivah Ozmond was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, and her father James Ozmond for her attitude to overcoming adversity and demonstrating resilience. Also for her all-round enthusiasm in accepting and being willing to offer a day and be an outstanding ambassador at the HSS annual activity day. She is acknowledged for being wonderfully supportive, kind, enthusiastic, thoughtful inclusive role model for other HSS pupils. She facilitated and enabled other, quite shy, younger attendees to ‘come out of their shell’ and embrace all aspects of the day. She is also commended for her transition to secondary school.  She is nominated for her resilience and determination to be the best she can. When Rivah was diagnosed with Cholesteatoma in her left ear her treatment did not go to plan and during the operation her neck was dislocated which resulted in surgeries to correct this. During this time she did not complain and helped others on her ward. Due to this trauma follow up medical appointments were traumatic and she had panic attacks. After therapy she was able to have an operation to try to improve hearing which was unsuccessful but it meant she could wear hearing aids. She took this all in her stride and helped others with hearing loss at camps and school. She is an active member of a football team and plays for her school and supports her sisters in playing football and giving advice. She is doing well at school and has just started to learn to sign. She also attends a TV and film group SWISH not letting her hearing loss stop her.


Poppy Perkins was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, for her excellent positive start and transition to secondary school. She has excelled in all aspects of the academic curriculum culminating in being awarded the ‘Subject Science Award and Special Parry Cup’, an outstanding achievement. She was chosen by her school as a primary link ambassador to greet, support, welcome and facilitate the smooth transition for the then current year 6 pupils at her previous school to her secondary school this year. This reflects her all round qualities. She has shown her resilience learning to adapt to a new big secondary school embracing change, demonstrating flexibility and develop different strategies to access the school curriculum and make positive new friendships.


Jennifer-Marie Roe was nominated by her mother Sadie Roe for overcoming so much in her school life from first school where she was diagnosed and where building work was going on all around her the first five years of school and moving to middle school where again there was building work going on around her. Then COVID happened and she did not have the proper transition to upper school where she has sat her GCSE’s. She has done amazing with all of what has confronted her within her school life and excelled amazingly in passing her exams and now being accepted for A levels. Last summer and this summer she has had a job at a café doing many roles working in the kitchen, front of house, serving customers. She has done all this with her own will power and determination to prove she can do exactly the same as anyone else can do. She has just had a referral to Southampton Hospital to see consultants about a possible cochlear implant.


McKenzie Webster was nominated nominated by Sarah Joiner, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service, as he has excelled in his academic work. He started his GCSE’s last year and has shown such maturity and focus in aiming to achieve his full potential. He strives to achieve his best in every lesson and works hard. He has also been a fantastic deaf peer and role model to a number of younger deaf peers at school and is always on hand to offer advice, support and answer any questions. He is transforming into a confident, resilient hard-working young man.


In addition to our Junior winner Ben also nominated in the Junior category were: 


Ronnie Chester was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service and Linda Higgins, Teaching Assistant Hearing Support Service for his all-round enthusiasm to all aspects of school life. He has continued to blossom, develop and refine his attending and listening skills. Has developed and excellent independent approach to the introduction of his hearing aids and radio aid. His vocabulary, comprehension and understanding of inference has ‘rocketed’ over the last two years. He is praised for being an empathetic peer supporting with kindness a new hearing aid wearer in his class.  He is congratulated for his successful transition to junior school.


Finley Davies was nominated by Dawn Wrench, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service and Linda Higgins, Teaching Assistant Hearing Support Service for his superb, consistent development of attending, refining and listening skills, particularly of the last academic year. He is enthusiastic, happy and exuberant student. He is commended for his developing confidence in speaking out loud/within the classroom environment. He is also excellent pertaining to all matters regarding his audiological equipment, telling key adults if there is a problem and if he needs assistance which is a huge development and reflects a growing maturity and resilience.


Harrison Greenham was nominated by Yasmin Brammer-Thompson, Instagram follower for establishing himself on Instagram as a fantastic role model within the deaf community. He makes videos to raise awareness of deaf people including what to say and how to accommodate a deaf person’s needs. He also does sign language videos to help people communicate BSL. It is inspiring to see how well he is navigating life in a mainstream school.


Alfie Hiriart was nominated by Helen Whalley, School Learning Support Assistant and Pat Saunders. He is a happy, funny, energetic and intelligent boy who always tries his hardest even when he knows he is struggling. He has many friends, attends lots of different clubs at school and at home. He never lets his deafness get him down. He is enjoying his sessions learning BSL, taking part in signed stories, playing language games and learning signed songs. He is doing so well in class with handwriting and phonics which he sometimes struggles with due to his hearing loss.


Kelsey Pickett was nominated by her parents Samantha Pickett and Matthew Pickett for her ability to not let her hearing loss hold her back. She is currently top in her class for reading and writing, a member of the school council, competed in Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire gymnastics competition taking home 2bronze medals, completed up to Level 5 of gymnastics proficiency award. She has also competed in a local drama competition and performed a solo poem and solo movie musical taking 3rd place. She is a Brownie, enjoys attending her mums work with the elderly talking to them and joining in the entertainment. She has also conquered her fear of water slides.


Reuben Sewell was nominated by Sarah Joiner, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service. Reuben has spent the past year learning BSL with Nicki Paull, BSL Tutor for Hearing Support Service. His speech and language is delayed and using BSL has been vital for him. He has loved every session and is using BSL more confidently. His engagement with BSL has been fantastic and his skills and understanding of using BSL to communicate have been fantastic. He has grown in confidence using BSL to communicate with his family and others.


John Stagg was nominated by Sarah Stobbart, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Service. John is always kind, thoughtful and puts others before himself. Despite his hearing loss he never makes a fuss or expects special treatment. He recently helped a younger child when older children were being unkind and took the younger child back to his parents. This shows empathy and courage. John is a quiet boy who ‘just gets on with it’ and he can be easily be over-looked.



Well done to everyone who was nominated!


Group Pic 2023.JPG

2023 Senior and Junior nominees 

Charity number:



Contact Shirley Sorbie on 01202 571089

© 2016 by DDCS. 

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