The 2015 Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Awards took place at Bournemouth Deaf Centre on Saturday 3rd October.
The Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is split into two categories, Junior and Senior. Junior is for any child up to the age of 11 years old and Senior is for 12 to 18 year olds. The awards set out to reward the achievements of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people from Dorset up to the age of 18 and can be for anything from an act of courage or helping others, overcoming a difficulty, or reading a piece of work in assembly at school. Just so long as it is a real achievement for that individual child.
In addition, an award from The Bournemouth Deaf Club is also made to the child or young person judged to have made a special endeavour.
Many thanks to Robin Barrett and Keith Simmons MBE who along with our ex chairperson Martin Ring have the difficult job of choosing the winners.
Please note that the written nominations below are only a summary or part of the nomination as they can include confidential and personal information which is not suitable for publication.
The Winner of the 2015 Senior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:

Lucy Armstrong
Lucy received two nominations, one from Ursula Murley Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Services and one from her parents, Helen and Tony Armstrong. Their nominations are for a busy and successful school year including achieving 10 GCSEs with grades A*-C and being chosen as Chairperson of the School Student Voice and leading meetings with Ofsted inspectors. Also for achieving her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, her campaigning work on the Dorchester Youth Council and her involvement and commitment as a Trustee of Dorset DCS. Her parents are particularly proud of her hard work in getting a part time job as a shop assistant, working through the summer, dealing with and conversing with the public and becoming a trained shoe fitter with Clarks Shoes.
Our congratulations along with the senior winners shield, a personal trophy and £100 go to Lucy - Well Done !
The Winner of the 2015 Junior Jenny Barrett Deaf Child Achievement Award is:

Megan Lake
Megan Lake has been nominated by her Mother, Judith Morris for her hard work at school in achieving her targets and especially for her help at home when Mummy is at work. She is described as a young carer who acts as a go between and calms her brother down when he gets frustrated that he cant communicate in sign language with his sign dependant Daddy. She makes her Mummy proud, especially with the way she copes well at school and with difficult communication issues at home.
Congratulations to Megan from all of us. Megan was presented with the Junior Winners shield, a personal shield, a certificate and a cheque for £100.
The winner of the 2015 award was Molly Stagg. This award is given by Keith Simmons MBE on behalf of Bournemouth Deaf Centre. Molly Stagg was nominated by Michelle Touye, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Services, for the way she has blossomed in year 5 and become involved in sporting opportunities offered by her school. She has excelled at rugby and cricket, playing rugby at year 6 county championship level in year 5 and played above year 6 level in cricket. All done with modesty and no fuss as she likes to play everything down. She gets a huge Well Done from a proud Advisory Teacher, who wants to make a fuss and play up her achievements!
In addition to our Senior winner Lucy, also nominated in the Senior category were:
Thai Puttock was nominated by Michelle Touye, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Services for going into a Staff Briefing to demonstrate how to use the radio aid transmitter and receiving fantastic staff feedback. Also for making her proud of his interaction when asked by a teacher he explained to a disruptive group of students during an English lesson how his radio aid and hearing aids worked keeping the class interested and respectful.
Bart Small was nominated by Sue Gillson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Services for the way he grown into a responsible and thoughtful young adult despite dealing with considerable personal sadness in his earlier life. Despite not being interested in academic success Bart is admired for working towards his own goals and dreams with determination. Also for the positive attitude and gratitude he showed towards teachers and support staff while at school and for mentoring a hearing impaired student.
Stuart Ring was nominated by his Grandad, Maurice Freemantle for how he has taken the on the responsibility for his future especially with the way he has coped with making the transition from a cushioned environment using sign language to communicate to entering a sometimes aggressive adult social and working world and retaining his dignity and pride when confronted. Also for passing his practical driving test with no sign assistance in 7 weeks. Commended for his honesty and openness in talking about his difficulties and the mature way he handles himself.
Autumn O' Brien was nominated by her Mother, Sue O' Brien for making her incredibly proud with the way she has coped through a difficult year with regards to friendships whilst maintaining her dignity. Also for being one of only eleven children out of two hundred and fifty to attend the Founder's Day Award Ceremony for outstanding attitude. Described as having an incredibly high emotional intelligence, a whole heap of inner strength and maturity beyond her years.
In addition to our Junior winner Megan and Endevour Award Winner Molly, also nominated in the Junior category were:
Harry Lake was been nominated by his Mother, Judith Morris for the way he has worked hard at school, made fantastic progress towards his goals and achieved a very good school report despite his difficulties with receptive and expressive language. He also achieved his bronze, silver and gold awards at school and a library certificate for reading 100 books. His mum is very proud of him for reaching his goal and working so hard.
Liliana Daraszkiewicz was nominated by Sue Gillson, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Services, for her increased confidence resulting in a fantastic first year in school. Especially for the way she has made huge progress, coming from a shy preschooler to become a chatty member of any discussion group at first school who regularly puts up her hand. She has also been nominated to be a class library monitor by the rest of her class.
Tyler Panteney was nominated by Sue MacDermott, Advisory Teacher Hearing Support Services, for the way he has coped with changing schools at the start of year 4 and for the wonderful progress he has made in his personal care and self help skills despite having no access to or understanding of speech and no spoken language. He is described as confident and happy in his new school, always smiling and sociable and always ready to tease and entertain his classmates and the adults around him.
Saul Pierce was nominated by Julia Reading, a family friend for the way he has grown in confidence and blossomed around his peers in the last year. He has acted as mentor for a new starter at his school and encouraged her to be herself in her new environment. Described as a kind, caring soul who looks out for younger children and helps others despite undergoing his own self confidence problems.